Discovery Research Projects

Delta CX can help with:

  • Market research wasn’t actionable or sent you in the wrong direction. You got the report, but it was a fire hose of ideas and “users might like this.” Better strategies and decisions come from actionable insights. You might also wonder about new markets or how to better serve a potential customer population.
  • Innovation and solving customer problems. You are unlikely to invent the market-leading or disrupting product or service if you don’t truly understand target audiences’ tasks, workflows, needs, behaviors, and perspectives.
  • Product strategy and priorities. What should we create and in what order? How can we best balance desired business outcomes with five-star customer experiences?
  • Small or large product mistakes. You thought we were fast, but risk, waste, and mistakes cost money and customer trust. Time and resources are burned on cycles of guesses, users struggling, Customer Support time, Sales or Marketing missing targets, and then having to fix or redo our product.
  • Design sprints, workshops, and brainstorming sessions are guesses based on guesses. Every design, innovation, and product discovery method requires that you start with great research and customer knowledge.
  • You don’t have enough qualified Researchers. You were hoping PMs or someone could ask customers what they want, or maybe you run surveys asking what the product is missing. This data is often inaccurate, incomplete, or not actionable. Delta CX can be your temporary staff augmentation, picking up high-priority research projects that need thorough attention and experts.
  • You want to be fast, Agile, and Lean, but don’t have the right information to feed faster processes. You are ultimately slow when products are based on guesses and assumptions. You are not delivering value if you are not creating what meets or exceeds customers’ tasks and needs.
  • Your target audiences are changing. The pandemic, the economy, layoffs, political changes, and more can alter how your potential customers experience their lives and work. Are you up to date or out of touch?

Delta CX’s Discovery Research Projects solve your problems so that you can solve customer and business problems.

Our Discovery Research Project package is a 6-week project conducted by one Lead Researcher/Strategist and two Mid-Level Researchers/Strategists. We spend nearly 500 hours on these projects.

Everything is designed for you to take immediate action. You will have the knowledge and data to make better evidence-based decisions. Prioritize the problems, balance them with business goals, and start planning.

What you receive varies depending on the project, but often includes:

  • A kickoff call including a research collaboration “unanswered questions” exercise.
  • Project planning and management.
  • Research planning, recruiting, scheduling, and paying incentives.
  • Research analysis and synthesis.
  • Task analysis and optimized task flow, which we prefer over Customer Journey Maps, though we can create a CJM if requested.
  • Behavioral typologies, which we prefer over personas, but can be turned into personas if requested.
  • Problem statements, suggested high-level solutions, overarching CX/UX/Product Strategy.
  • Suggested product and service ecosystem including the business model, products and services, features, high-level roadmap, and priorities.
  • Collaboration with your team including asynchronous exercises, catch-up calls, and the final Q&A call.
  • A full report answering all in-scope unanswered questions.
  • Access to our Miro board of organized research notes.
  • Full recordings of all observation/interview sessions, plus video clip montages by theme.
  • All artifacts, maps, and documents including problem statements, feature ideas, priorities, and suggestions.


Featured case study

Business design for a fintech startup

  • 6-week project in 2023.
  • Generative qualitative research.
  • Interviews with 35 participants.
  • Narrowed the target audiences.
  • Designed the startup’s ecosystem, business model, and product roadmap.

2024 Package Pricing

As long as the project scope doesn’t change, this package is a flat $49,000 USD. This is paid as $25,000 upon contract signing and $24,000 (plus any approved extra work or expenses) due 21 days after the final delivery.

If you are familiar with Debbie Levitt, Delta CX’s CXO, you might be wondering if she will be working personally on this project. The answer is yes. If Debbie doesn’t have time to be the Lead Researcher, she will be the Project Manager, and will oversee the project and run quality checks.

What if I need less or more than this package?

Contact us so we can discuss your project. We’re happy to submit a customized proposal, no charge for our time.

Is this a research sprint?

If you are using 6-week sprints, sure! Or it might be three 2-weeks sprints. To us, it’s just six weeks.


After the research, can Delta CX do a design sprint?

We don’t do design sprints by the book. But if you would like an idea brainstorming session based on the research insights, we can plan that for an extra charge.

Consultation calls and proposals arecompletely free and without obligation.

We'd love to hear more about your needs, goals, and projects. Contact us or book a call.