Will we be a product-led, engineering-led, or sales-led organization? Will we be values-led, as in led by our company values? We will be value-led: how much value we can frequently create...

Will we be a product-led, engineering-led, or sales-led organization? Will we be values-led, as in led by our company values? We will be value-led: how much value we can frequently create...
Empathy (Alone) Doesn’t Solve Problems Step 1: create empathy. Just have empathy for users. Design thinking is about empathy. UX work requires empathy. Empathy, empathy, empathy. Design...
Where Are Metrics Failing Us? Metrics can show us that customers stopped at a certain point in a process, chose not to buy, or didn’t make it through an important task. Yet the metrics...
Many of the elements and situations that are blocking improved customer- centricity are often intertwined. Since many of our internal pain points feed each other, there will be changes...